
About Us & How We Work

I personally have lived in the area for 30 years and have personally helped over 200 Seniors move into Retirement Communities.

I have been invited to be a Guest Speaker many times by places like John Knox Village, Covenant Village, etc.  Basically the topics revolve around “what to watch for and what to watch OUT for when selling your home and moving to a Retirement Community.

I’m the author of the book for Seniors called:

“How to Sell Your Home and Secure Your Financial Future in Your Golden Years (Revealed:  Insider Secrets and Critical Issues to Avoid at ALL Costs!!)

My passion for helping Seniors is probably because I lived with my grandparents for a great deal of time.  They were Great Depression era babies who taught me a lot of valuable lessons.

They eventually moved to a 55+ Community and I would spend every Summer and Christmas break with them. 

So while I just turned 60 this year, I have been immersed in the “Retirement Community” lifestyle for almost my whole life.

(I grew up playing shuffleboard, Bingo, Mahjong, and bocci with Seniors, so it’s in my blood 😊)

The point being is that I understand a lot of the questions you have.  A lot of the fears and doubts you have, and the big question:  Is this the right move for me at this time and how in the world am I going to pack up a lifetime full of stuff and move someplace else.